Sunday, May 24, 2020

Qué es e-verify y cómo afecta el trabajo de inmigrantes

El programa  e-verify es una herramienta gratuita en Internet del Gobierno federal que permite a empresas y empleadores individuales verificar, en el momento de una nueva contratacià ³n, si la persona que pretenden  emplear està ¡ autorizada para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. E-verify utiliza la informacià ³n sobre el potencial empleado que cada empresa registra  en la planilla que se conoce como I-9 y que el empleador introduce en el programa para compararla con informacià ³n de las bases de datos del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y de la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social. En apenas unos segundos se obtiene la respuesta confirmando que el potencial trabajador està ¡ autorizado o, por el contrario, que no lo està ¡. La respuesta negativa se seà ±ala con una nota conocida como no confirmacià ³n tentativa (TNC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que equivale a una no autorizacià ³n. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre el funcionamiento de este programa, quà © empresas està ¡n obligadas a utilizarlo, quà © hacer cuando e-verify no confirma que una persona està ¡ autorizada para trabajar y, finalmente, cà ³mo cualquier persona puede comprobar quà © informacià ³n tiene  este programa sobre ella. Cà ³mo funciona e-verify Las empresas o los empleadores individuales pueden darse de alta y registrarse gratuitamente en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Necesitan tener a mano el EIN, que es el nà ºmero federal que identifica a la empresa o al empresario. La pà ¡gina de inscripcià ³n  brinda cuatro formas de acceso, que dependen de las circunstancias de la empresa. Es importante seguir las instrucciones y darse de alta en la opcià ³n correcta. Precisamente porque puede ser confuso,  muchas empresas prefieren utilizar los servicios de compaà ±Ãƒ ­as privadas que actà ºan como agentes de e-verify. En todo caso, las empresas deben firmar electrà ³nicamente un contrato que se conoce por las iniciales de MOU (Memorà ¡ndum de Entendimiento, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que regula el uso que se puede hacer de e-verify. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que e-verify solamente se puede utilizar para verificar informacià ³n sobre nuevos empleados,  nunca sobre personas que ya està ¡n trabajando para una empresa. Quà © empresas està ¡n obligadas a utilizar e-verify En este punto la respuesta no es fà ¡cil ni à ºnica, ya que la obligatoriedad o no de e-verify està ¡ regulada por leyes federales y estatales, lo cual tiene como una de sus consecuencias que se producen enormes diferencias entre estados. En todo caso, en la actualidad mà ¡s de un millà ³n de empresas utilizan este programa. En primer lugar,  todas las empresas pueden libre y gratuitamente utilizar el servicio de e-verify, si asà ­ lo desean, para asegurarse de que todos los empleados que contratan tienen papeles para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. Esto aplica a los 50 estados de la Unià ³n y tambià ©n a sus territorios, como por ejemplo Puerto Rico, aunque en este punto hay excepciones, como el caso de la Samoa americana. En cuanto a la obligacià ³n de registrarse y utilizar e-verify de acuerdo a las leyes federales, aplican varios supuestos, siendo el mà ¡s comà ºn  el que afecta a las empresas que contratan con el gobierno federal o alguna de sus agencias. En este caso, la regla general es que todas las empresas està ¡n obligadas, a menos que aplique algunas de las excepciones, como es el caso de que el contrato entre el gobierno y la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a se extienda por menos de 120 dà ­as, o el monto de la obra o servicio sea inferior a $150.000 o que el trabajo se desarrolle en su totalidad fuera de los Estados Unidos. Asimismo, esa regla aplica en los casos de subcontrataciones y empresas afiliadas, si bien la ley permite excepciones. Pero ademà ¡s existen otras reglas federales menos conocidas que  tambià ©n imponen el obligado cumplimiento de este programa. Por ejemplo, es imperativo registrase y utilizar e-verify cuando se contrata a estudiantes internacionales con visa F-1 para el programa OPT en su modalidad de extensià ³n para carreras STEM (Ciencias, Tecnologà ­a, Ingenierà ­a y Matemà ¡ticas, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En cuanto a los estados, se producen situaciones extremadamente diversas que van desde la prohibicià ³n de utilizar e-verify a nivel estatal a la obligatoriedad de utilizarlo para agencias y contratistas de los gobiernos estatales y locales, y tambià ©n para la mayorà ­a de empresas privadas, incluso en el caso de que carezcan de  relacià ³n de negocios con las administraciones pà ºblicas. Debido a la gran variedad legislativa se recomienda verificar la ley que aplica en cada estado. Este artà ­culo se limita a mencionar la situacià ³n en los siete  estados con mà ¡s poblacià ³n inmigrante y en cuyos territorios residen el 70 por ciento de los migrantes presentes en la actualidad en Estados Unidos.   Asà ­, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Aceleracià ³n del Empleo de 2011, en California està ¡ prohibido que las agencias estatales, las ciudades o los condados exijan a las empresas privadas el uso de e-verify. Ademà ¡s, desde 2016 las empresas que utilicen e-verify pueden ser multadas con un mà ¡ximo de $10.000 si utilizan la informacià ³n obtenida a travà ©s de ese sistema para una finalidad distinta a la de verificar autorizacià ³n para trabajar de una persona. En Florida, en aplicacià ³n de la Orden Ejecutiva 11-02, està ¡n obligados a utilizar e-verify todas las empresas que presten servicios o vendan productos a agencias estatales. En Illinois la ley HB1743 permite el uso de e-verify por parte de empresas privadas pero penaliza el mal uso de la informacià ³n obtenida. Ademà ¡s, la ley SB11 prohibe a agencias estatales o locales exigir el empleo de e-verify. En Nueva Jersey y en Nueva York no existen leyes ni à ³rdenes ejecutivas regulando el empleo de e-verify, por lo tanto su aplicacià ³n a nivel estatal es voluntario. En Pennsylvania, la ley SB625 requiere el uso de e-verify para todos los contratistas y subcontratistas de obras pà ºblicas por un importe superior a $25.000. En Texas, por orden ejecutiva RP-80, està ¡n obligados a utilizar e-verify las agencias estatales y los contratistas con el estado. Ademà ¡s, en aplicacià ³n de la ley SB374 las instituciones de educacià ³n superior, como por ejemplo universidades, està ¡n obligadas a usar este sistema. Quà © hacer si e-verify emite una no confirmacià ³n tentativa (TNC) El sistema puede fallar por  contener informacià ³n errà ³nea o no actualizada. Es por ello que, ante  esa situacià ³n, el empleado tiene dos opciones. En primer lugar, aceptar la negativa, en cuyo caso el empleador darà ¡ por terminada la relacià ³n entre ambas partes. Pero, en segundo lugar, puede apelar esa decisià ³n del sistema e-verify. En este caso el empleador no puede posponer el inicio del trabajo o del entrenamiento, ni tampoco puede suspenderlo o aplazarlo si ya ha comenzado. Ademà ¡s, el empleado debe contactar o bien con  el DHS o bien con la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social. La opcià ³n depende de lo que diga el sistema de e-verify cuando notifica la negativa. Si se debe contactar con el DHS,  el telà ©fono para marcar es el  888-897-7781  y debe hacerse dentro de los ocho dà ­as laborales siguientes a la decisià ³n de no confirmacià ³n tentativa. Deben tenerse a mano todos los datos generados por la TNC, como por ejemplo el nà ºmero de caso. Ademà ¡s, debe esperarse preguntas relacionadas con cambios de estatus migratorios y las fechas en los que tuvieron lugar. Por el contrario, si se debe contactar la Administracià ³n de la Seguridad Social,  en ese caso se tiene que acudir en persona  a una de las oficinas locales dentro de los ocho dà ­as laborales siguientes a recibir la TNC. Entre los documentos que deben llevarse destacan la notificacià ³n de la no confirmacià ³n tentativa, una identificacià ³n  que muestre nombre, apellidos y edad, acreditacià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a americana, si se tiene, o de la tarjeta de residencia permanente, si ese es el caso. E-verify self-check Cualquier persona mayor de 16 aà ±os puede utilizar e-verify para comprobar  si, segà ºn las bases de datos del gobierno federal, està ¡ autorizado para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Esta opcià ³n, que se conoce popularmente como self-check y està ¡ disponible en espaà ±ol, permite corregir posibles errores que puedan aparecer en ese programa antes de solicitar empleo en una empresa por primera vez.   Documentos que permiten trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos Para finalizar, recuerda  que los documentos que permiten acreditar que se està ¡ autorizado para trabajar son cualquiera de los siguientes: Los que prueben la ciudadanà ­a estadounidenseLa tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida tambià ©n como green cardEl permiso de trabajo (EAD, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)Una visa vigente de trabajo o de intercambio, en estos dos à ºltimos casos respetando siempre las condiciones especà ­ficas de cada visa. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Christian Ethics Moral Compass And The Leadership Process Free Essay Example, 2000 words

Ethics incorporates the many academic disciplines and traditions. Traditions include all the moral teaching of the philosophers. In addition, ethics includes concepts from political science, psychology, management, communication, education, sociology, and other related fields of study. Leaders have the ethical responsibility to promote positive leadership. In the business environment, each leader has a purpose. The leader must do whatever it legally and ethically takes to achieve the purpose. When the leader does not meet the purpose requirements, the leader may be stripped of his or her power and authority. In the same light, the store s leaders have to achieve its purpose. To achieve the purpose the leaders should not exceed the ethical and legal benchmarks (Johnson, 2011). Principle-Is this action consistent with relevant principles? The company or store is correct in keeping the company or store s prices low. The company or store is right in keeping the current and prospective c ustomers informed of any changes in the company or store s products and services. The company or store should advertise its various quality products and services in order to keep the current and prospective customers abreast of the latest product and service promotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Christian Ethics Moral Compass And The Leadership Process or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Consequently, the customers will spread the news that the company or store makes them feel very important.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Media And Its Impact On Today s World Essay

As technology increases in today’s world, so does the use of social media. Social media, as defined by Merriam-Webster is, â€Å"forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.† That definition is what will be implied from now forward. Social media and its growing popularity, especially among the younger generations, has lead to difficulties with socialization skills. Although social media may come with other benefits, this side effect can be more problematic in the long run. The power of the internet has grown rapidly and so has the use of social media. Vanessa Denice provides us with some quick facts about social media and it’s literally millions of users. So many people are online in today’s world that Facebook, in a single day, hit 1 billion active users (Denice). This proves that social media is a rapidly growing platform and with any growing platform co mes change. This change is debatable as to whether it is for the better or worse. Social media provides its users with a connection to parts of the world that normally a teenager would not think of. Being able to connect with someone thousands of miles away surely is a benefit. But, is the connection made with them beneficial to everyday lives involving face-to-face communication? Face-to-face communication is arguably to most important way that humans can communicate. It causes a connection that can not be made via theShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Modern Technology On Us And Our Society Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of the Modern Technology on us and our society. Today it is hard to imagine what our lives would look like without the technology that surrounds us, it is even harder to imagine what our lives would be with the technological advancements that begun to take shape during the industrial revolution that, begun in England during the 18th century. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Corporate Social Reponsibility of the Tobacco Industry free essay sample

According to Harvard University, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business strategy that encompasses the ways in which an organisation manages its economic, social and environmental impact. As such, the methods of managing an organisation’s impact can decide whether the organisation is ethical or unethical. There are eight principles stated in the Global Business Standards Codex (GBSC) which assist in the assessment of ethics of an organisation or industry (Paine et al. 2005). These principles of the GBSC set the standard in an economic, social and environmental sense which all organisations in the global economy should adhere to. Therefore, the tobacco industry’s (TI) use of CSR strategy is unethical. This is because the TI’s use of CSR fails to adhere by the transparency, dignity and citizenship principles of the GBSC. Nevertheless, there are advantages and disadvantages of the TI using CSR strategies which benefit the stakeholders. Hence the CSR strategy used by the TI is nevertheless a valid strategy in the sense that this strategy improves the TI’s unethical public image. The TI is breaching the transparency principle by using CSR strategies to create a facade so that it can be perceived by the general public as an ethical industry. This is in violation of the transparency principle as the TI is not conducting business in an open and truthful manner. However it can be argued that the TI isn’t required to enclose all information and that adhering to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index is legally enough (Global Reporting Initiative 2012). By meeting the minimum requirements of the GRI index, major tobacco companies can maintain their competitive advantage by not revealing their marketing strategies which the transparency principle would require. Nevertheless, the TI has been professed as an industry which solely focuses its resources on maximising profit which disregards the health of its users let it be first hand or second hand (World Health Organisation 2004). Epidemiology research by English Spencer (2007) has shown that using the TI’s products if used as directed results in cardiovascular, respiratory, malignancy, reproductive and visual diseases which may lead to death. Hence these courses of events which include published epidemiology research which state that using TI’s product increases the chances of cancer ave generated the ethical issue of TI misusing the CSR strategy. Hence, due to increased awareness by the general public on dangers of smoking (Office on Smoking and Health 2001) and a rise in tobacco related deaths, (Proctor et al. 2011), the TI has pursued the CSR strategy to improve its public image. The TI is using CSR strategy because it has created a bad reputation due to its products being deemed as unsafe by major research organisations (World Health Organisation 2004). Therefore, the TI needs to change its public image from unethical to ethical to sustain profits and stay a profitable industry. The ethical issue present is that the TI is misusing the CSR initiative (Friedman 2009). To warrant that this unethical behaviour won’t happen in the future, the TI, which includes its managers and employees, must inform the public of their genuine intentions. This would make the TI transparent hence its CSR strategy would adhere by the transparency principle thus making it ethical. The TI’s CSR is a strategy which it is using to increase profitability and not contribute to the human development and wellbeing. This information is unknown to the general public. Therefore it can be concluded that the TI is engaging in unethical activities while misleading public to perceive otherwise. This leads to the conclusion that even though this CSR strategy has resulted in increased profits in the long term (Hirschhorn 2004), the TI’s use of the CSR strategy is ultimately a breach of the transparency principle regardless of it improving TI’s public image and thus makes the TI an unethical industry. The TI isn’t considered unethical for only breaching the transparency principle as it also fails to comply with the Dignity principle. This is because its CSR strategy promotes the use of its products which is detrimental to human health. Firstly, the TI has introduced a packet of cigarettes which is half the size and price of the regular packet (Barraclough Morrow). Secondly, the TI is purposely portraying smoking as an adult activity by promoting smoking in youth-oriented movies (Palazzo Richter 2005). Finally, restrictions such as age (Baker, Brandon Chassin 2004) have been placed on ways to acquire cigarettes which make it harder for youth smokers to use TI’s products (World Health Organisation 2004). All these activities have the compounding effect of portraying the use TI’s products as desirable in the youth community. The TI has introduced the smaller packets of cigarettes which are cheaper. This course of action will have a negative ethical impact on society because the cheaper packet of cigarettes allows easier access to youth-smokers which would then increase sales of TI and thus fulfil their goal of maximising profit. Also, by portraying smoking as an adult activity, the TI is creating incentives for under-aged smokers to purchase TI’s products and thus having an unethical impact on society. Under-age smoking has the effect of preventing brain growth and increases the chances of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in youths (Li, X, Zaiane, O Li ZH eds 2006) thus not complying by the Dignity Principle. A prescribed course of action that’ll ensure that the unethical activities stated above won’t occur in the future is that the smaller packets should be prohibited from sale thus increasing the difficulty for youth to purchase cigarettes. Another viable option is to increase price or taxation of TI’s products and to stop smoking on youth-oriented films. But currently none of these actions have been put forward. The Dignity Principle encompasses issues on human rights and safety (Stanwick Stanwick as cited in ed. Campbell 2011). Hence, through promoting smoking in youths, the TI is violating the dignity principle and thus it can be concluded that the TI is unethical in misusing the CSR strategy to achieve its business goals. The TI is failing to act in accordance to the Citizenship principle by not preserving the environment even when using CSR strategies to attempt to make TI’s operations environmentally sustainable. This is shown through the TI’s growing of tobacco in developing countries has led to extensive land clearance and deforestation (Tobacco in Australia 2008). Other environmentally detrimental activities the TI is inappropriately using include the use of agrichemicals to promote growth of TI’s crops and unrecyclable packaging used which is contributing to landfill. The TI’s CSR strategy promotes sustainable harvest of crops. However, the phases of production used in manufacturing TI’s products use carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming (Otanez Glantz 2011). The TI has been allowed to clear land which has led to deforestation in developing countries. This is mainly because of the lenient environmental laws in these countries which the TI is targeting. The agrichemicals have been used to promote faster growth of tobacco, which was done to increase production rates and thus profit of the TI (Tobacco in Australia 2008). Most packaging of TI’s products is encompassed in plastic which uses the unrecyclable chemical polyethylene. This has led to increased landfill globally. The TI must make a genuine attempt to have sustainable environmental practices by promoting plantation of trees and sustainable harvest of crops which won’t have an overall detrimental impact on the environment. The TI should also use sustainable energy sources such as solar energy or wind energy to promote sustainable energy sources. The TI has exploited the CSR strategy to increase its profits and stay competitive in the global economy. Therefore the TI’s use of the CSR strategy doesn’t adhere to the Citizenship Principle as the TI is engaging in unsustainable environmental practices thus failing to preserve public goods such as the environment and atmosphere. Therefore the TI’s use of CSR is unethical. Although the TI has been unethical by failing to adhere by the Transparency, Dignity and Citizenship Principles of the GBSC, it can be argued that the TI was fulfilling the goals of some groups of its stakeholders, that is, its stockholders and employees. This means that the CSR is a valid strategy that has improved the TI’s public image as an increase in TI’s profits indicates the success of the CSR initiative. Therefore it can be deducted that the TI is a multifaceted industry in the sense that it can be perceived as being ethical by pursuing business goals to fulfil its corporate promises to its owners, employees and the government. As such, it can be said that the TI’s use of the CSR strategy is advantageous for some stakeholders and disadvantageous for other stakeholders. In conclusion, the TI has used the CSR strategy effectively to successfully improve its unethical public image. However, this success has been achieved by unethical means as TI’s CSR strategy utilizes misleading marketing tactics, violates human rights through promoting unsafe practices such as under-age smoking and the strategy also fails to preserve the environment which is public property. Hence, the TI has failed to adhere by the Transparency, Dignity and Citizenship principle of the GBSC respectively.